Help Save a Species
“Every ZAP-Wing flight over my game reserve saves the life of at least one rhino; two, if it happens to be a mother with calf,”
Game Reserve Manager.
Launched in 2012, this aerial anti-poaching programme has made a substantial impact. But the programme survives entirely thanks to the support of public, corporate, foundations and international donors. Project Rhino Alliance NPC is an entirely non-profit entity and bears the responsibly for sourcing funding for monthly costs of ZAP-Wing, including the Hluhluwe hangar and airfield, dedicated pilot, fuel, plane maintenance and licensing. Each and every donation is gratefully received and goes directly to wildlife conservation. If you are unable to donate financially, you can help by following our social media pages and sharing the conservation message.
Account Name: Project Rhino Alliance NPC
Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Branch: Kloof
Branch Code: 250 655
Account No: 629 203 46 229
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Reference: Please put ‘ZAP-Wing’ and your name to help us accurately record your donation
PayPal is one of the most popular payment methods in the world, with over 192 million active accounts. To donate via your PayPal account, visit https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ProjectRhinoAlliance?country.x=ZA&locale.x=en_US click “Send” and follow the prompts.
BackaBuddy is a South African crowd-funding platform which allows the public to support their favourite cause directly, or by creating a fundraising campaign of their own. If Rhino Conservation is close to your heart and you would like to champion the cause, please visit https://www.backabuddy.co.za/charity/profile/project-rhino. For donations specific to ZAP-Wing, please include ZAP-Wing in your personal message.
If Zapper is your preferred payment method, simply scan the QR code below:
If you would like more information and technical details, including information on tax-exemption donation certificates and specific ZAP-Wing programme needs, please contact: admin@projectrhinokzn.org