Partners & Donors
The list of people to thank is long: ranging from wonderful, extra-ordinary individuals, schools, churches and companies who contribute regularly – to international conservation agencies such as Rhino Recovery Fund and Tusk; and local corporates such ANEW Hotels & Resorts and Mr Price Sport, who raise funds for our work through mutually beneficial brand-sharing agreements. And then there are the non-profit Trusts such as Tanglewood Foundation NZ, the Jonny Lowe Memorial Trust and WILDTrust: without them, key anti-poaching initiatives such as ZAP-Wing would not exist.
A special mention to the following partners and donors who had faith in a new and untested idea, thank you for your continued support:
- Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife
- Zululand Private and Community Game Reserves
- African Conservation Trust
- Black Rhino Range Expansion Project (WWF)
- The Bateleurs
- Skyreach/Rainbow
- The Zululand Mission Air Transport Trust (ZUMAT)
A big Thank You too – to media partners like the Zululand Observer, Zululand Pix, Big Red Design Agency, Earth Touch and East Coast Radio Rhino Watch, for helping to spread the rhino conservation message far and wide.
And we also have to thank the private game reserves and companies who donate their time, skills, services, space and equipment to Project Rhino, free of charge.
Thank you to all the individuals and private donors who have contributed so generously to the operations of the aircraft and ZAP-Wing as a whole.